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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Demanding Answers About Predator Drone Flights in The United States

Government Shares Drones with Law Enforcement Agencies Across the Country
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Electronic Frontier Foundation

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Tuesday, demanding answers about how and why it loans out its Predator drones to other law enforcement agencies across the country. 

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) – a division of DHS – uses the unmanned drones inside the U.S. to patrol the borders with surveillance equipment like video cameras, infrared cameras, heat sensors, and radar. But recent news articles as well as a report from DHS itself show CBP is expanding its surveillance work, flying Predator drone missions on behalf of a diverse group of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies – including a county sheriff's department in North Dakota, the Texas Rangers, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Department of Defense. 

Life Under Occupation by U.S. 'Drones, Death, and Terror'

Activist Post

Drone warfare and surveillance has expanded exponentially since their arrival in 2004 over Pakistan for use in targeted killings. Drones are just one of many vital issues for those who seek peace and freedom, but should be near the top of the "red alert" warnings for Americans, as not only have human rights groups and studies stated that they are instruments of state terror, but they have been embraced by Congress to create unfriendly skies over America as well.

Even the warmongering Brookings Institution has concluded that there are 10 civilians killed to every 1 "militant" in Pakistan alone.  Obama denies this, and a range of other documented evidence, when he states that only "precision strikes against al Qaeda and their affiliates" are undertaken. Obama has been an unrepentant murderer by employing drone strikes at his whim, and has even gone so far as to make jokes about their use. The truth is that at least 884 civilians, including 176 children have died in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan alone. These were innocent people where no war has even been declared.

As with all imperial endeavors and the accompanying treatment toward the targets "over there," drones are already having a boomerang effect upon the American people ... and we are literally paying for them to conduct surveillance on us, and perhaps one day kill us if they (autonomously) decide anyone is a threat to the State. The video below is a moving example of what this type of world looks like.

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Spying on Americans For Counterterrorism Will Be Conducted by New CIA Drones

Susanne Posel, Contributor

David Petraeus, director of the CIA, is strongly “suggesting” that the White House approve an expansion of the CIA’s drone fleet to extend the agency’s ability to survey under a paramilitary force.

Justification for this necessity is campaigns in Middle Eastern regions like Pakistan and Yemen. Petraeus cites the reemergence of al-Qaeda in North Africa. This would add 10 more drones to the 35 already used in counterterrorism operations. Ironically, the CIA denied knowledge of drone use in the US during a lawsuit prompted by the ACLU; as well as refused a Freedom of Information Act request claiming that they could not confirm US government drone use. 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) asserted that the use of drones in American skies were for assurance of public safety. In collaboration with corporations specializing in surveillance, DHS has made outward requests for drone manufacturers to have their products used for spying on Americans – and get paid for it. 

Congress Welcomes Drones Into American Skies ASAP

Michael Edwards

The stage has already been set and played upon for divisions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to patrol and strike undeclared war zones abroad.

Even though lip service has been paid to express minor outrage over villages bombed in PakistanYemenSomalia, or someplace "over there," there has been relatively little true outrage by countries heretofore unaffected by computer bombing raids upon their own Homeland -- countries like America.

Well, seeing is believing they say.

Americans are next in line to get their chance to see firsthand what has been happening overseas -- a close-up view of what takes place on computer screens in Tel Aviv or Las Vegas.

The Boomerang Effect has taken flight.

The treason of American Congress seems to know no bounds, as it has submitted an urgent official request to the Secretary of Transportation to invite potential remote-controlled war upon American soil by integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems into civilian airspace to be overseen by the FAA. (Source)

Drones Officially Take Flight For Domestic Law Enforcement, Heralding a New Level of the Police State

Predator B drone
Michael Edwards  
Activist Post

It is a sign of just how fast the police state is advancing that drones in American skies have gone from conspiracy theory to admitted fact in about a year. 

In a precedent-setting event, local law enforcement in North Dakota nabbed three suspected armed men with the help of a Predator B unmanned drone.  It was only after the drone confirmed that the men were unarmed that police moved in to make the arrest.

It has now become clear that, as we have written and warned about for the past year, the drones that were supposedly commissioned strictly as tools for border control will now patrol inland for suspected criminals on American soil, heralding a new level of police state oppression.

In April I wrote about the future expansion of unmanned drones over America based on the admissions made by two-star General, John Priddy, from the U.S. National Air Security Operations Center, evidenced in the video below, that the continued expansion of predator drone surveillance was a stated goal for the coming years.

Rampant INjustice Exposes Federal Abuse of Power

Jan Morgan Media

This documentary exposes the blatant trampling of the Constitutional rights of Americans during white collar crime investigations by the Department of Justice and the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service.

This documentary is not about the guilt or innocence of the citizens involved. It is about the increasing number of unconstitutional, para-military, gestapo style raid tactics involving two agencies of the federal government.

These are white collar crime investigations where heavily armed, hostile government raids by 40 to 50 agents are being utilized as opposed to a few agents entering the businesses with proper search warrants to acquire the financial records sought.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the tactics, the constitutional rights of citizens who work in these businesses, yet have nothing to do with the financial transactions of the owners, have been undeserved victims of these frightening raids … unlawfully detained for hours, intimidated, interrogated without the presence of a lawyer and their personal property confiscated.
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